
sunt roman?

Da, asa este… oriunde mergi, daca intalnesti un roman, e practic imposibil sa nu-l recunosti. Nu o sa vorbesc despre caracteristicile evidente pe care le stie toata lumea : cum e un roman in aeroport, cum mananca, cat de tare vorbeste, cum lucreaza, unde isi arunca gunoaiele, cum se imbraca sau cum isi educa copiii. Am sa vorbesc de povestea pe care o poti vedea aproape in orice roman.
Si ea incepe asa :-Nu vezi ca am probleme ?!!!
Da. Daca te uiti la fata unui roman, primul lucru pe care il citesti este asta : nu vezi ca am probleme ?! Si asta e tot… te retragi usor sa nu deranjezi, pentru ca romanul e imediat suspicios :) Ma gandesc cand a inceput romanul sa-si piarda umorul? Un prieten imi spunea ieri :-Romanul lucreaza cu sufletul nu cu mintea ! Da.. asta spune tot !!!

Cand ma intreaba un prieten strain : « cum se spune in romaneste –cat e ceasul ? « intotdeauna ii spun sa nu uite sa pune in fata « nu te supara…., sau ….esti amabil ?.... » pai da, romanului trebuie sa-i spui prima data : nu te supara… apoi poti sa continui ce vrei sa-l intrebi dar e important sa nu se supere :)

In concluzie romanul este mereu suparat !!!! si totusi, ce comedii bune faceau romanii pe vremea lui Ceausescu !!!!!!!! … ah Ceausescu…. Mai bine ma opresc.. …:)



Eram gata, gata sa va povestesc cat de bine ma simt eu fara televizor....apoi m-am uitat putin pe internet si am gasit o multime de oameni ca mine. Deci nu e un subiect prea interesant :)
Dar totusi...:) cat de fain e sa te asezi duminica dupa-amiaza in fata televizorului si sa butonezi telecomanda de pe un program pe altul ...lol :) ... pentru mine e ca si cafeaua!...pot sa stau saptamani intregi fara sa beau cafea....si intr-o dimineata sa trec pe langa un chiosc si sa simt mirosul acela puternic ce te duce direct in Brazilia...cel putin pe mine...si apoi sa beau cateva cani la rand ca si cum as fi cea mai inversunata "cafegioaica" din lume.
Cu televizorul se intampla la fel : eram acum cateva zile cu un prieten intr-un bar si in fata mea era o plasma imensa pe care rula un post de muzica....nici macar nu-mi mai amintesc ce-am vorbit cu amicul meu sau cu ce era imbracat...in schimb stiu ultimul videoclip Chemical Brothers pe de rost..:)
In concluzie: " pauzele lungi si dese, cheia marilor succese"!!!! la televizor ma refer :)


Secretara perfecta

lol.. cred ca este visul multor domni!!!


Letter from my Boss!!!

I just want to tell what's happen last saturday when I was coming back to France from Bucharest.
I dont speak about getting up at 3:30 for taking the first plane, because I was in the boarding room excatly 1/2 h after having left the apartment. In the plane I could have completed my short night if the stewards did not wakened up me for their breakfast. Arrived in Brussels, I was lucky, no queue at the passport control. Unfortunately the luggage delivery was a little delayed. It was not such a problem because, among the travellers there was a nice young lady with a lovely mini skirt. I take my luggage , go to the station, buy my ticket for brussels mid. The Railways agent tells me," Run, because, the train is leaving in few seconds". I run, and I succeed to go in the train just before the closue of the door and the departure. I thought that it was my lucky day. That lasted only few seconds before I realised that I forgot my laptop at the ticket desk. You imagine the stress. I left the train at the first station, went back to the airport and arrived 45 minute after my first leaving at the airport station. My computer was no longer there. I had to queue for asking to the railway agent if they found him.
As usual, I was behind the guy who asked what he could visit in Belgium for the week end, what was less expensive, if it was cheaper to take a week end ticket for Brussels or to go for antwerpen etc, etc… You imagine the stress. At the end, I could ask to the agent if they had found a bag. The guy asked me, “what was in the bag ?”. I was ashamed to say “my computer”and I added that it was easy to recognise because there is my name written with big letters on it. He went to the back room.. and came back with. my lap top. He told me that an agent has noticed it a little after I left . They are making regular inspections because they are afraid of bomb hidden in lost bag. And they did not destroyed it because there was my name on the bag. I will never again make jokes about the Belgian. The agent told me, “ If you run, you can take the next train for Brussels”. I did not run, I waited for the next one. This story for explaining why sometimes we could be a little nervous !



Umbrele, umbrele, dragutele mele umbrele…. :)

Am gasit o noua forma de a identifica oamenii pe strada: dupa umbrele!!! Astazi a fost obligata sa-mi las bicicleta acasa si sa-mi iau umbrela. Asa ca pe langa faptul ca mi-am murdarit pantalonii de noroi, am avut ocazia sa vad si ultima moda la umbrele in Bucuresti ! Se pare ca marea majoritate a oamenilor au o umbrela de la firma la care lucreaza sau de la diferite promotii : cu nume de bauturi racoritoare, banci, comapanii de telefoane, institutii de stat si asa mai departe. Fiecare umbrela e din ce in ce mai mare cu maner de lemn si acopera cam i metru de jur imprejurul unei persoane. Asta imi aduce aminte de vara trecuta in Vama Veche cand ne-a prins ploaia pe mine si pe Ioana si am imprumutat o umbrela de la o terasa, UNA IMENSA !!!... Cam la asta se pare ca o sa se ajunga si in Bucuresti : umbrele din ce in ce mai mari !!!!